If hashtags aren’t your thing and maybe it might feel a bit cheesy, this guide might not be for you. Hear us out as this is one of the fun trends for most modern weddings. With many of your guests eager to share your big day, many couples are now encouraging or including a custom wedding hashtag when posting on social media during the celebration. It puts all of those pictures, videos, and messages all in one place on social media. Even if you want an unplugged ceremony, having a hashtag for the rehearsals, bachelor and bachelorette parties, and reception can still go a long way. It’s also a fun way to get vendors involved if they’re on social media, using the hashtags as well.
Now, when coming up with a hashtag most of the time it’s a play on the couple’s name or a creative phrase, but if you’re a bit lost for what you wedding hashtag should be, we’ve got a few tips to help you figure that out.
01 — Online generators are you friends!
You might think that using an online generator will make it cheesy—and it might be true—but the wedding hashtags they pump out will help give you ideas to what might work for you. Utilizing and working off of what they give you will make the process more fun, as it should be!
02 — Make it personal
Personalization is will make it memorable to those around you. Plus it makes it truly unique and yours. Start off by writing down your names and playing around with alliteration and rhyming, and let inspiration come!
03 — Make sure it isn’t taken!
Doing a quick search through social media, whether it’s Google, Instagram, Facebook, etc. will help you determine how unique your hashtag might be. The only real problem with having one that’s already in-use might just be that your pictures and videos might coincide together, but if that’s the risk you’re willing to take for the perfect hashtag, we say go for it!
04 — Make it easy to spell
Finding ways to have a short hashtag or something that isn’t too hard to spell will help in people using it and searching for it. Find ways to make it short and catchy, as well as easy to spell because hashtags can get cluttered fairly easily and quickly. If last name’s are too hard, don’t be afraid to stick with first names either!